
Major Milestones


Dec-Rev. Andrew Song, CNEC East Asia  Superintendent, at the Living Water Church in Kowloon, Hong Kong, commissioned Rev. John Kao to plant a church among the Chinese in Toronto, Canada.
Toronto Chinese Community Church first planning meeting was chaired by Rev. John Kao, the Founder, at his residence. Seven founding couples committed themselves to unity in Christian service.


Jan- Toronto Chinese Community Church(TCCC)first Sunday service at the Bedford Park Chapel, with Rev. Daniel Yau-Kwong Cheung from Hong Kong as speaker with 58 in attendance.

Mar-First Baptismal service. Three brothers were baptized.

Apr- First missions offering, $162 designated for CNEC missions in Southeast Asia.


Nov- First issue of Hua Chi monthly magazine.
Dec- Relocated to the Bedford Park United Church in Yonge & Lawrence area.


Jan- Began to support the Halifax Chinese Christian Church in Nova Scotia.


Aug- Formation of the Church Building Study Group, which was subsequently renamed as the Building Committee.


Apr- Decision to plant a church in Agincourt, a suburb northeast of Toronto.
May- An anonymous sister made a US$50,000 gift to the building fund through CNEC.
May- The first joint Annual Missions Conference.
Jun- Starting to have two worship venues, located at the Lawrence and Agincourt districts, also called as Agincourt Church and Lawrence Church. First worship service was held at the Agincourt Collegiate Institute.
Jul- Congregation approved the proposal to buy a parcel of land in the Agincourt district, near Birchmount Road and Sheppard Avenue as future church site; appointed a Board of Trustees.


Jan- Fifth Anniversary Celebration at Agincourt Collegiate Institute.


Mar- Ground breaking ceremony for the building of Toronto Chinese Community Church (TCCC).   
Sep- TCCC held its first Sunday service at the new building.
Oct- Dedication of the TCCC new building.


Feb- First Sunday service in English.
Aug- First summer conference with Rev. Moses Chow as speaker.


Apr- Proposal to open a daycare centre in TCCC approved.
Oct- Official opening of the Good Shepherd Daycare Centre with a staff of five and ten children.


Dec-  The TCCC first Board of Deacons was elected.


Jan- Tenth Anniversary service, with the ordination of Pastor Sam Chan.
Oct- Lawrence Church moved to Lewis Beattie Secondary School in the Yonge and Finch area, and the church was renamed “TCCC-Yonge North Church” (Yonge North Church).


Jan- Founding of the Association of Chinese Evangelical Ministries (Canada) [ACEM], and the election of the first Council members.


Jan- Milliken Chinese Community Church (MKCCC) held its first worship service at Good Shepherd Community Church. 
Sep- Purchased a parcel of land in Richmond Hill as future building site for the Yonge North Church.


Apr-Tenth Annual Missions Conference, “Step Out in Faith”. 
May- The ordination of Pastor Andrew Lau.
Jun- Rev. John Kao received D. Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Oct- Official registration of ACEM was completed.


Mar- The TCCC-Yonge North Church was relocated to Bayview Secondary School in Richmond Hill and the church was renamed Richmond Hill Chinese Community Church (RHCCC).


Jan- Fifteenth Anniversary service and celebration.
Sep- Markham Chinese Community Church (MHCCC) held its first worship service at Milliken Mills High School.


Jan- Publication of the first issue of ACEM Monthly.
Jan- Sixteenth anniversary service and Chester Hu and Harding Ng were elected as elders.
Jun- Dedication of the new building at the Richmond Hill Church, Rev. Sam Chan was appointed as Senior Pastor of the RHCCC.
Dec- Milliken Church and Good Shepherd Community Church agreed to co-operate on a building project.


Jan- Ordination of Pastor Simon Wong and Pastor Stuart Ng at the Seventeenth anniversary service.
Apr- Rev. Hay Chun Maak was appointed as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.
Nov- The Markham Church purchased a parcel of land in Markham


Apr- First ACEM Council Planning Day at TCCC.
Apr- The Milliken Church and the Good Shepherd Community Church broke ground for a joint building project.


Jan- Rev. John Kao was appointed as General Director of ACEM.
Jan- First worship service of the North York Chinese Community Church (NYCCC) at Finch Public School in North York. 
Jan- Appointed Rev. Simon Wong as Associate Pastor and Dr. Milton Wan as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.
Mar- Dedication of the new building at the Milliken Church.
Sep- Joint Evangelical Crusade in People Church, with Dr. Philemon Choi as speaker.


Jan-Twentieth Anniversary Thanksgiving Service with Rev. Philip Teng as keynote speaker.
Oct- Dedication of its church building at Markham Church.


Jan- Publishing Wing Huen Maak’s book “My Horizon”.
May- Ordination of Elder Harding Ng and Pastor Victor Lee.
Rev. John Kao obtained the Doctor of Divinity, conferred by Tyndale University, College and Seminary. Dr. Kao was the first Chinese to receive such honour.
Jun-  Led by senior pastor Rev. Samuel Ng, Toronto Mandarin Chinese Community Church (TMCCC) became a member church of ACEM.
Nov- The first Planning Day and Retreat for ACEM pastoral team.


Jan- Rev. Gentle Lee was appointed as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.
Mar- Pastor Ricky Yung was ordained to the gospel ministry.
Mar- The TCCC membership meeting approved the Church Building Project at Markham.
Jun- Dedication of the RHCCC phase II building project.


Apr- The Cornerstone Christian Community Church (CCCC) held its first service at the Markham Community Centre. 
Apr- Twentieth ACEM Missions Conference, “Captured by Eternity, Liberated for Missions”. 
May- Ordination of Pastor Derek Ng.
Jun- Rev. Harding Ng was installed as Senior Pastor of TCCC.


Mar- Ordination of Pastor John Yeung.
May- Rev. Stephen Yao was appointed as Consulting Pastor of Milliken CCC.
Dec- Rev. Samuel Ng was appointed as Consulting Pastor of TMCCC.


Jan- Twenty-fifth Anniversary service was held at both TCCC and Richmond Hill churches, with Rev. & Mrs. Philip Teng as speakers.
Jan- Rev. Peter Au was appointed as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.
Jan- Publication of ACEM Monthly, issue no. 100.


Jan- Dedication and Thanksgiving Service of new building at the Mandarin Church. Rev. Bernard Ho was installed as Senior Pastor of TMCCC.
Feb- Dedication of TCCC’s new building relocated in Markham district.
Apr- Pastor Kinson Leung was ordained to the gospel ministry.
Apr- West Toronto Christian Community Church (WTCCC) held its first Sunday service at Trillium Banquet Hall and Convention Centre
May-Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.Jul- Rev. Dr. John Kao was appointed as the Founder and Adviser of ACEM. Supported by ACEM, Rev. Kao was installed as General Secretary of Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE) from July, 2001 to the summer of 2006.

Sep-Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 13 full time seminary students this year. 
Oct- Rev. Simon Wong was appointed Senior Associate Pastor.


Jan- Rev. and Mrs. Paul Chiang joined the ACEM ministerial staff as Missions Pastors.

Feb- Rev. Grover Crosby was appointed as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.
Mar- Pastor Wesley Lim was ordained to the gospel ministry.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 4 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jul-Joint evangelical meeting of ACEM Mandarin Congregations.

Sep-Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 15 full time seminary students this year.


May-Missions Dept. subsidized 8 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jun- Pastor Steven Shaw was ordained to the gospel ministry.
Jun- Unionville Christian Community Church (a.k.a Unionville Oasis) held its first Sunday service.
Jul- ACEM purchased an office suite in Markham as its own office.
Sep- Ordination of Pastors Irene Cheung and Pastor Linda Shum.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 15 full time seminary students this year.

Oct- Dedication and Thanksgiving Service of ACEM’s new office

Dec- Urbana 2003- Missions Dept. subsidized 4 pastors and 28 brothers & sisters to attend.


Jan- Pastor Dominic Tse was ordained to the gospel ministry.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 9 seminary student and 2 oversee mission summer interns from all ACEM churches.

May- Rev. Stephen Yao, consulting pastor of Milliken Church, went to be with the Lord on May 8th.
May- Rev. Mrs. Margaret Yao was appointed as Consulting Pastor of Milliken CCC.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 20 full time seminary students this year.
Oct- Celebration in honour of Rev. Dr. John Kao’s 30 years of service in ACEM and his 70th birthday.


Jan- Pastor Joseph Wong was ordained to the gospel ministry.
Jan- Thirtieth Anniversary Service was held at TCCC.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 8 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches. 
Aug- Dr. Stephen Lee was appointed as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.
Sep- Pastor Alex Wong was ordained to the gospel ministry.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 20 full time seminary students this year. 
Oct- Pastor David Wang was ordained to the gospel ministry.


May- Niagara Region Christian Community Church (NRCCC) held its first worship service at Glengate Alliance Church, Niagara Falls.
May- North York Church purchased a building in North York.
May- Rev. Gentle Lee & Hay Chun Maak were appointed as Consulting Pastor Emeritus.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches. 
Jun- Ordination of Pastors Steven Folts, Fred Tham and Michael Sandstorm.

Jul - Missions Dept. subsidized 50 pastors and lay leaders from all ACEM churches attended the 7th CCOWE.

Jul -  Rev. Dr. John Kao completed the ministry of CCCOWE. He continues as a founder and consulting pastor of ACEM.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 13 full time seminary students this year.

Dec- Urbana 2006- Missions Dept. subsidized 81 pastors and lay persons to attend.


Jan- Pastor Pearl Shum was sent to Bosnia as ACEM’s missionary.
Jan- Rev. David Wang was installed as Senior Pastor of TMCCC.
Apr- Pastor Calvin Lam was ordained to the gospel ministry.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 6 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Aug- Dedication of the NYCCC new building.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 17 full time seminary students this year.

Nov- The first ACEM Chinese Christian Song Composition Contest


Feb- Dedication of the RHCCC phase III building project.

Apr-  Pastor Sophia Wong was ordained to the gospel ministry.
Aug- Pastor Daniel Leung and Pastor Sue Leung were ordained to the gospel ministry.
Sep- Barrie Christian Community Church (BCCC) held its first Sunday service.
Oct- The ACEM 30th Missions Conference.
Nov- Good Shepherd Day Care Centre celebrated its 25th Anniversary.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 3 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jul- Mrs. Margaret Yao retired from Milliken CCC.

Sep- Publication of ACEM Monthly, issue no. 200.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 13 full time seminary students this year.


May- Missions Dept. subsidized 6 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jun- Ordination of Pastors Gloria Luk and Quang Nguyen.

Jun- Dedication of NYCCC phase II building project, Rev. Dominic Tse was appointed as Senior Pastor of NYCCC.

Jul- The first ACEM Music CD was launched out.

Sep- Aurora Christian Community Church (ACCC) held its first Sunday worship in Aurora, Ontario.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 18 full time seminary students this year.

Oct- Celebration in honour of Rev. Dr. John Kao’s 35 years of service in ACEM and 75th birthday.

Oct- Publishing Rev. Dr. John Kao’s book “Evidence of Grace”.

Dec- Urbana 2009- Missions Dept. subsidized 73 pastors and lay persons to attend.


Jan- Rev. Paul C. Wang was appointed as Consulting Pastor of TCCC.
Jan- Ordination of Pastor Sophia Chan and Pastor Jone Chiu.
Apr- Assist to ordain the pastor and two elders of Halifax Chinese Christian Church.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.  
Aug- TCCC purchased a commerical building (# 105 Gibson Drive) in Markham for expanding church minsitry.
Sep- ACEM and four Christian Organizations celebrated Rev. & Mrs Hay-chun Maak’s 80th birthday.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 17 full time seminary students this year.
Oct- Ordination of Pastors Ho Ming Tsui, Jeremy Tao and Kevin White.


Jan- ACEM support oversea church planting – TCCC has started church planting project in Panama. Penonome Christian Community Church is established.

Feb- ACEM Church 35 Years Literature ministry, published in Chinese Edition.

Mar- The new missios Policy has been approved by ACEM Conference, effective Jan 1, 2012.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 5 seminary student and 2 oversee mission summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Sep- Missions Dept. subsidized 25 pastors and lay leaders from all ACEM churches attended the 8th CCOWE.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 16 full time seminary students this year.


May- Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

June- Rev. Glorisa Luk received D. Min. from Tyndale Seminary.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 13 full time seminary students this year.

Oct- Rev. Simon Wong was appointed as General Director of ACEM.

Oct- Ordination of Pastor Enoch Koh.

Oct- Rev. Calvin Lam and Rev. Linda Shum were appointed as Associate Pastors, Rev. Simon Wong was appointed as Consulting Pastor of RHCCC.

Nov- General Director Installation Ceremony was held on Nov 4 during the Grand Finale of ACEM 34th Missions  Conference. Rev. Simon Wong is the new ACEM General Director.

Dec- Urbana 2012- Missions Dept. subsidized 6 pastors and 119 lay persons to attend.


Jan- Rev. John Kao is the Founder and Adviser Emeritus of ACEM.

Jan- Ordination of Pastor Sunny Wong.

Mar- Dr. John Kao, ACEM’s beloved Founder, went to be with the Lord on March24.  The Service was held on March 30 at RHCCC.  The Memorial Service was held on April 20 at TCCC.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 5 seminary student and 1 oversee mission summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Sep– Ordination of Pastor Daniel Lee.

Sep– Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 13 full time seminary students this year.

Oct - Vaughan Christian Community Church (VCCC) held its first Sunday Worship in Vaughan, Ontario.

Oct- ACEM 35th Missions conference.

Oct- TCCC’s 105 Gibson Centre held the first phase opening ceremony, and officially open to public.


Jan- ACEM P.E.A.C.E. Missions Institute (PMI): the first class started.

Mar- ACEM Church Health Conference (CHC): was held at 105 Gibson Centre.

Apr- Ordination of Pastors William Yip, Kin Wah Ho and Julian Wong.

Apr- WTCCC is the first ACEM Church located in shopping mall.  Thanksgiving worship was held on April 19.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jun- Ordination of Pastors Luke Xie.

Jul - 105 Gibson Centre of TCCC first held “The Open Market.”

Jul- ACEM was renamed as Association of Christian Evangelical Ministries (Canada)

Sep - Ordination of Pastor Anthony Lo.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 11 full time seminary students this year.


Jan - Ordination of Pastor Philip Wong, Pastor Mary Wong and Pastor Joshua Yu.

Feb - Ordination of Pastor David Lau.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 8 seminary student and 1 oversee mission summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jun - The first PMI graduation ceremony – Seven students were graduated.

Jul - Organized by ACEM, TCCC & RHCCC fundraising concert for the “John Kao Global Leadership Study Centre at Tyndale Seminary & University” and “105 Gibson Centre” was held on July 3-5.

Jul - Rev. Gentle Lee, Consulting Pastor Emeritus of RHCCC, went to be with the Lord on July 26.

Aug- Selina Lin, from TCCC, was sent to Japan as missionary. Missions Dept. provided partly financial support.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 15 full time seminary students this year.

Dec- Urbana 2015- Missions Dept. subsidized 8 pastors and 122 lay persons to attend.


Mar- ACEM support oversea church planting-NYCCC has started church planting project in Argentina. Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana Internaciona (ICCI) held her first Sunday service at her new building.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Jul- Missions Dept. subsidized 20 pastors and lay leaders from all ACEM churches attended the 9th CCOWE.

Jul- Henry & Wendy Chuang from MLCCC were sent to Japan, and Carol Vuong from WTCCC was sent to Taiwan as missionaries. Missions Dept. provided partly financial support.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 19 full time seminary students this year.

Nov- Ordination of Pastor Shu-Ling Lee.


Jan -  Ordination of Pastor Jonathan Chan, Pastor Larry Hung and Pastor Edmund Wu.

Feb- Publication of ACEM Monthly, issue no. 300.

Apr- Justina Ho, from TCCC, was sent to Japan as missionary. Missions Dept. provided partly financial support.

Apr - The first ACEM Multi-Media Workshops.

May - Guelph Christian Community Church (GCCC) held its first Sunday worship in Guelph, Ontario.

May - Rev. Julian Wong received D. Min. from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary;

May-Missions Dept. subsidized 7 seminary student and 1 oversee mission summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 16 full time seminary students this year.

Oct- Preparing Church Planting at NE corner of Markham, Ontario.

Nov- Ordination of Pastor Daniel Ng, TWCCC & Pastor Tom Yu, VCCC.


Jan- Rev. Anthony Lo was appointed as senior pastor of WTCCC.

Mar- 105 Gibson Centre held the 2nd phase opening ceremony.

May -Missions Dept. subsidized 9 seminary student and 1 oversee mission summer interns from all  ACEM churches.

Jun- Rev. Steven Folts and Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui were appointed as lead pastors of RHCCC.

Sep- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 17 full time seminary students this year.

Oct- ACEM 40th Missions Conference. Main Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jamie Taylor.

Dec- Ordination of Pastor Timothy Yuen, MLCCC

Dec- Urbana 2018- Missions Dept. subsidized 6 pastors and 69 lay persons to attend.



Jan- Ordination of Pastor Monica Chan, TCCC.

Jan- Missions Dept. subsidized 12 brothers and sister to attend Cross Conference.

Apr- Mission Dept. subsidized 4 pastors to attend PanAm CCOWE 2019.

May- Missions Dept. subsidized 4 seminary student and 1 oversee mission summer interns from all ACEM churches.

Sept- Missions Dept. provided financial assistant to 17 full time seminary students this year.



Mar- During COVID-19 pandemic, ACEM office was closed and all staff were working from home.

Mar- During COVID-19 pandemic, ACEM churches were closed, there was no public worships at churches. All Sunday worships and fellowships were online gatherings.

May- Mission Dept. subsidized 3 summer seminary student and 1 oversee mission summer interns from ACEM churches.

Jun- Mission Dept. provided financial assistant to 14 full-time seminary students this year.

Jun- The first online meeting of ACEM pastors, discussed the preparation for churches reopening and mental health of pastors.

Aug- ACEM office and churches began to reopen gradually.

Oct- The 42nd Mission Conference, all meetings were held online for the first time.

Nov- Ordination of Pastor Raymond Lee, Pastor Kelly Tam, Pastor Virginia Yong.





Last modified on Thursday, 21 December 2023 21:25
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