Key point in the bk-chapter 1-3

By Rev. John Kao

Key Points in the book:

Church Planting for a Greater Harvest, by C. Peter Wagner, Ventura, California: Regal Books, A Divison of Gospel Light, 1990.

Chapter 1. Church Growth and Church Planting

The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.

The more harvest God gives us, the more barns and silos and grain elevators are needed (i.e., we need more churches to hold the harvest).

The growing denominations have been those that stress church planting.

Students right out of seminary are among those who have the highest potential for being successful church planters.

Why Plant New Churches?

a. Church planting is biblical.

b. Church planting means denominational survival.

c. Church planting develops new leadership.

d. Church planting stimulates existing churches.

e. Church planting is efficient.

It is easier to have babies than to raise the dead!

Chapter 2.  Removing the Barriers

The greatest barriers to church planting are in the mind.

Theological reason for new churches:

a. Each new generation must be evangelized on its own terms

b. Even where there are many sheepfolds, there are still many lost of wandering sheep.

Six empirical reasons for new churches:

1. New churches are a key to outreach.

2. New churches grow better than old churches.

3. New churches provide more options for the unchurched.

4. New churches are usually needed.

5. New churches help denominations survive.

6. New churches help meet the needs to existing Christians.


A. Pragmatic Objections to Church Planting:

1.  It may harm the parent church.

2. The start-up cost is high.

3. Start a new church will break longstanding Christian fellowship.

B. Ethical Objections

Love and unity will get hurt.

Chapter 3.  Essentials for Planning

1. The spiritual aspect - Prayer:

i. The leaders themselves should improve their own prayer life.

ii. Develop the habit of group or corporate prayer.

iii. Enlist personal intercessors for the church planter and other leaders.

iv. Be aware of spiritual warfare.

2. The technical aspect – 4 very important elements:

i. Church Planter – the characteristics of an ideal church planter will differ according to two important variables:

a. whether the church planter intends to be the founding pastor

b. whether the projected size of the church is over 200 or under 200

Profile of the church planter: if the church planter is a founding pastor and the projected size of the new church is over 200:

1.  A committed Christian worker;

2.  A self-starter: self-discipline, time management skill;

3.  Willing to endure loneliness: not easily discouraged, a possibility thinker;

4   Adaptable: flexibility is very important;

5.  A high level of faith: believe in God, believe in themselves, healthy self-esteem, humble willingness to be a servant of God,

6.  Supportive spouse and family:

7. Willing and able to lead: every rises or falls on leadership;

8. A friendly personality;

9. Clearly called by God to plant a church

ii. Some church people

1. a nucleus that breaks off from an existing church;

2. those who were once church members but are not currently attending a church;

3. those who are dissatisfied with their present church affiliation

iii. A Philosophy of Ministry

1. Who is God calling us and equipping us to reach?

2. How are we going to do it?

iv. Research

Appropriate research will help you to know your target audience well and select a site for the new church.

Last modified on Monday, 01 April 2019 08:50
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