Mr. Keith Wu

Rev. John Kao – Snapshots of my respected pastor

His voice
The 70s: Rev. Kao first ‘impressed’ me back in the 70s when he preached at my church in Hong Kong.  I cannot remember the content of his sermons at all, yet I still clearly recall his voice and volume as he kept me fully awake while waking up those sleepy elderlies from time to time!

His first letter
The 80s: As I was about to leave Toronto to pursue graduate studies in the U.S., Rev. Kao one day came and asked what church did I plan to go in the US.  To my utter surprise, he subsequently wrote a referral letter and asked me to bring it to the late Rev. Ray Stedman, a long time friend of Rev. Kao and the founding pastor of Peninsula Bible Church (PBC) which is situated in close proximity to the school campus. I eventually settled nicely at PBC during my brief stay in the US.  Looking back, I cannot hide my thankfulness to this unique ecclesial experience, but more importantly, to Rev. Kao who walked the extra mile to help out a then young little brother.

His stay
The 90s: Having settled and worked in Hong Kong since the late 80s, I maintained close contact with Rev. Kao who came back to Hong Kong from time to time to preach and to handle mission-related ministries notably for CCCOWE, notwithstanding the deteriorating condition of his kidney.  I still clearly remember there was a time when Rev. Kao came to Hong Kong on his own (without the accompaniment of Mrs. Kao), he accepted my suggestion of staying overnight at the bedroom of my parents (who were then in Toronto).  Now that Rev. Kao has joined the ranks of my father, living in the loving and sturdy arms of our heavenly Father, maybe they could chat about that unique stay some 20 years ago…

His presence
The 2000s:  While I was at Regent College studying full time between 2005-2006, one day I unexpectedly received a phone call from Rev. Kao who said he would be in Vancouver, and would like to come over to meet me at campus.   We eventually met, hugged and lunched in the UBC vicinity; his encouragement and presence is never to be forgotten.





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