Rev. Kai Mark

Thank You

On behalf of Unionville Oasis, one of the youngest church in the ACEM family, I want to say few words about Rev. Kao’s 38 year of service in ACEM.

Your commitment to the Lord Jesus is inspiring to many around the world and your service is inspiring to me. You have played a significant part in my journey as a pastor and I want to thank you for your influence on my life over the years.

My present trip to India is a result of your influence. Your constant emphasis on missions had caused me to rethink about ministry both locally and globally. As a result, I am launching a new global ministry on behalf of Jesus Christ, Unionville Oasis, and ACEM.

Words cannot express how thankful I am for your example of leadership and graciousness. You are one of only a few pastors who saw the value of encouraging younger pastors in an era when mentorship was not a popular concept in the local church. Thank you for your encouragement during all these years and for your impact in eternity.

Personally, I want to thank you for your encouragement to be involved with the Arrow Leadership Program a few years back. My life has been forever changed and your contribution to it has been significant. Dr. Kao, you have opened the doors for me to be able to minister in certain churches, to be able to plant a church in Unionville, and to be able to launch creative ministries for the kingdom of God.




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