Wednesday, 19 October 2011 16:31

Go into the World, Start from my Backyard

Written by  Rev. Vincent Lee
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Go into the World, Start from my Backyard

Rev. Vincent Lee
English pastor of Milliken Chinese Community

I remember the time when my daughter was learning how to walk. She started her journey in our living room. My wife and I took turn holding her hands and led her in taking baby steps. As she got better, we would let her walk by herself. She would fall often, although her falls would be cushioned by the soft carpet that covered the floor. Months passed, then came the big event, when she was dressed up and led to our backyard to have her first try walking outside. She was exuberant. She played with the flowers and leaves, exploring a whole new environment that previously she could only watch from inside the house. Soon thereafter, she “graduated” from walking in our backyard to places beyond.

The Great Commission began with “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations….”  (Matthew 28:19). Jesus sent His disciples—you, into the world (Matthew 10:16), to make disciples, to bring the Good News of the Kingdom to this world. Yet, this journey starts from your backyard. It means starting the “baby step” of sharing the Gospel with your closest circle—your family, your friends, your community, witnessing to them by your walk with Christ. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Let us practice our walk with Christ through baby steps of making a difference in our closest circle, followed by our community, our city, our country, and our world.

As you participate in the ACEM Mission Conference, we hope that you would find God’s direction for you in this great mission journey. It means starting from your backyard, learning and experiencing the joy of evangelism in your circle of friends in your community. It means joining with others in short-term mission trips, taking steps to know the needs of your world and making an impact to people’s lives across the oceans. It means responding to God’s call to full-time mission, preparing yourself, going into the world, as many have done, to bring the Good News to people around the world.


Last modified on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 11:26
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